Al Bettis Interview

Who are you?
My name is Al Bettis. I am a 35 year old husband, father and singer/songwriter. I am Strong, Empowered and Classy.
What do you do?
By day I am a project manager but my true desire is to be a full-time minister of the word through song.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about being a good husband and father. At the end of the day, that’s what’s most important to me. Following that is music. I absolutely love spreading love through my songs. I just want people to know that they are not alone.
Strength refers to the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor; mental power, force; moral power, firmness, courage; power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc. What makes you strong? Tell us how it strengthens you.
GOD and His word. I am nothing on my own. I am a man full of faults and inconsistency but His word is everything. It’s life, it’s power. God strengthens me most by showing me love. Knowing that He is behind me is everything. Without that I would crumble.

Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities. Where does your sense of empowerment derive from?
I hate to sound redundant but again my empowerment is derived from knowing that I am accepted and loved in Christ. Before that I wouldn’t even attempt to stand on a stage and share a song. I didn’t have it in me. I am still a work in progress but growing more empowered each day.
Classy refers to being elegant, stylish; having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior; admirably skillful and graceful. How important is it to maintain a sense of class in your life or field?
It’s very important. I represent a niche that is a mix of contemporary christian and folk music targeted at families and it is very important too that I reflect the standards of my upbringing. I was raised by my grandparents who were born in 1908 and 1913. They came from a different time and they instilled all of that into me.

Life is truly a journey. Are you proud of where and who you are right now? Why?
If this question was presented last year I would have a different answer but I now have a true appreciation for what life has taught me. I have learned many lessons over the years. Some were hard and cost me big time. I used to regret those decisions but now I know that it was a combination of everything that happened in my life that contributed to where I am now. All things work together, we just don’t always see it.
If you had the opportunity to speak to the masses, what would you say?
Love us and nurture our dreams. Don’t try to mold us into robotic beings designed to fit into molds. We are all unique and can add greatly to society if given the chance to be ourselves.
Please list webpage or blog links:
Facebook: Al Bettis Music
Cd Baby:
Thank you for visiting Be on the look out for more sources of inspiration from The Strong, Empowered, & Classy Project each week! We are very thankful for Al Bettis’ participation in sharing his powerful story with us. To learn more about Al Bettis and his music, be sure to check out the links above. Don’t forget to share this motivational perspective of strength, empowerment, and class with your friends and family! -Always Remember to Stay Inspired! – @MsJaneThang
@MsJaneThang is actually Kristen Hayman, the founder of Jane Thang Productions, LLC. She is a Strong, Empowered & Classy young woman that writes poetry and stories that speak to the heart.