Events, Shows/Projects

The Holiday Experience

On Sunday, December 14, 2014, I showed up to MCL Chicago to attend “Benard Holcomb and Will Liverman present The Holiday Experience”. I was excited about this event because not only do I consider these two beautifully talented opera singers my friends but they hired me to be their photographer and flyer designer to help promote their event!! I am so proud of how the pics have turned out and I definitely appreciate their support for my business. I purchased  a new lens recently and I’m glad I was able to step my game up a notch with their photos! Here is one of my favorite flyer designs below:


The house was full of amazing talent. When I briefly stood on stage and looked around at the crowd, I could see some familiar faces! It was some of the cast members from the Lyric Opera House’s Porgy and Bess. What an honor to sit among such esteemed talent as they frolicked around like pleasantly normal theatrical people! lol I loved it!

The concert opened with a performance by Rellevant who sang a few of his songs from his latest album. Later Jennifer Trowbridge makes an appearance to jam along with Bernard Holcomb who takes center stage while Will Liverman mans the piano keys. Once the musical therapy entered my ears, I didn’t want it to stop. I was experiencing the Holiday spirit with a few R&B hits spliced in. Sarah Marie Young even blessed us with her vocal pipes as Bernard pulled her out of the crowd to join in on impromptu jam session. I am such a fan of her sultry voice. Will Liverman had a mic at that piano and he blew us away with his strong baritone voice. My favorite Tenor, Bernard Holcomb put on a powerful show from beginning to end. He charismatically worked the stage and even welcomed the crowd to sing along and you just had to be there to witness the uncanny harmony that was produced from the crowd. I sang low so I would not mess up the vibrations of the room lol. Don’t get me wrong, though, I can sang! I just wanted to listen the pros having fun doing their thang! I had so much fun attending the concert! The next time this powerful duo ever decides to put on a show, be there! Trust me. They are a treat to your ears!

@MsJaneThang & Will Liverman / @MsJaneThang & Bernard Holcomb:

@MsJaneThang & Will Liverman / @MsJ aneThang & Bernard Holcomb

Bernard Holcomb Performing:

2014-12-28 14.05.40
Bernard Holcomb Performing

Will Liverman Performing:

Will Liverman
Will Liverman

Always Remember to Stay Inspired! -@MsJaneThang

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