#UpgradingMyself:New Car

#UpgradingMyself: My New Car

#‎UpgradingMyself‬: My New Car

Cavi and I have been through so much. She was my first car. The one I saved up for all summer working as a hostess at Nikola’s restaurant and babysitting at a daycare. I wanted to drive back to school for my sophomore year of college at MSU. I had a vision of myself cruising around campus in a car that I owned, wrote out a plan, and made it happen. That car picked up local actors and crew members and carried all the production equipment. My humble beginning. Now it’s time for the next stage. Not at the top yet but I’m on my way. Cavi never saw Chicago. I was too scared she couldn’t make that drive…lol so I spent 3 years straight exploring the Chi on the CTA bus and trains which was never a bad thing. I’m still going to use the CTA but it was time to drive again. Time to have the option to escape in my own ish. That still small voice sent me on another mission so now I’m just going to faith it out. So glad to have upgraded to what my mom and me jokingly refer to as Silver Flicker! Not sure if that name will stick or not but I’m rolling with it. @janethangllc is about to blossom into a new direction and I’m so glad to have my new source of transportation. What may seem simple to you is a lot deeper to me. I’m praising God for the visions in my head, and all of the miracles I have witnessed in my life. I feel safe in the arms of the Lord. I’m going up! I’m so strong, empowered and classy! Keep shining loves! 🙂 

#UpgradingMyself:New Car

Always Remember to Stay Inspired! -@MsJaneThang

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