Motivation, The S.E.C. Project

Courtney Griffin Interview

Courtney Griffin
Courtney Griffin

Who are you?

CG: My name is Courtney Griffin and I am Strong, Empowered and Classy.

What do you do?

CG: I am a Michigan State University graduate studying Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse at DePaul University and Founder of Just The Beginning LLC.

What are you passionate about?

CG: I am passionate about technology, urban youth, entrepreneurship and non-profits. I feel as if all of the above can dramatically change the world we live in.

Strength refers to the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor; mental power, force; moral power, firmness, courage; power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc. What makes you strong? Tell us how it strengthens you.

CG: My upbringing makes me strong! Growing up in the inner-city, with a family that instilled in me, that you must be determined to get what you want! I have gone through trials and tribulations but know that giving up will get me nowhere…I must stay determined.Just The Beginning, LLC

Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities. Where does your sense of empowerment derive from?

CG: My empowerment stems from the strong women in my family! Along with the stereotypes of urban girls growing up in the inner-city…I was determined to be different.

Courtney Griffin
Courtney Griffin

Classy refers to being elegant, stylish; having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior; admirably skillful and graceful. How important is it to maintain a sense of class in your life or field?

CG: First impressions are lasting impressions! It is impossible to change someones initial thought of you.  Whenever I go out the house, I ask myself the question “What if I saw (insert name here), how would I feel?” If I can’t answer the question with a secure answer I reconsider.

Life is truly a journey. Are you proud of where and who you are right now? Why?

CG: As an African American women from Detroit,MI, I am very proud of who I am and where I am right now! As a child, I would have never guessed that before the age of 25, I would have traveled the world, be living in Chicago, and attending Graduate school (with paid tuition), with wonderful people around me. is a company that may also feature the Jane Thang Productions, LLC’s Strong, Empowered and Classy Highlights. The premise of this site refers to needing that one opportunity to present your talent and shine. If you had the opportunity to speak for the masses, what would you say?

CG: I would say… Don’t let your surroundings dictate your future! Regardless of the atmosphere, people around you and anything else, if you have the desire to succeed you can and will!


Learn more about Courtney Griffin and support her business ventures by visiting the social links below:







Thank you for visiting Be on the look out for more great sources of inspiration from The Strong, Empowered, & Classy Project each week! We are truly thankful for Courtney Griffin’s participation in sharing her powerful story with us. Be sure to support her and her business ventures by visiting the links listed above. If you are a Young and Ambitious man or woman in the Detroit area, feel free to go mix and mingle with Y.A.B. and In The Black  on Monday, November 19, 2012 at Finn and Porter Restaurant’s Round Bar from 7pm-10pm!. Find out more details about this extraordinary event here.

-Always Remember to Stay Inspired! – @MsJaneThang

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