Teia Harris Interview

Who are you?
My name is Teia Harris and I am, Strong, Empowered and Classy.
What do you do?
I am a public relations professional and entrepreneur. I own Love Publicity, a public relations boutique that focuses on branding its excessive clientele in beauty, fashion and lifestyle brands. I have a personal blog and I dedicate countless hours mentoring teenage girls.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about helping. I love to see others shine in business and in whatever they are passionate about. I created my company because of my passion for helping others grow within their passion. I mentor because of my passion of helping teenagers grow to be the best them.

Strength refers to the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor; mental power, force; moral power, firmness, courage; power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc. What makes you strong? Tell us how it strengthens you.
My drive. I am extremely self-driven. It’s a trait that I recognized early on in my life. It’s one of my strengths because no matter how challenging things get or how much I want to quit… my drive will not allow me to give up.
Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities. Where does your sense of empowerment derive from?
I can do anything. I am empowered by knowing that. I see the woman who does it all… family, work, and Martha Stewart and I am empowered. I can do it all too.
Classy refers to being elegant, stylish; having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior; admirably skillful and graceful. How important is it to maintain a sense of class in your life or field?
I pride myself on being an example. I am someone who has watched other women unbeknownst to them and admired them. I know there is someone out there doing the same. I try to lead by example in my profession, as a mentor and as a woman. It is important that I be an example.
Life is truly a journey. Are you proud of where and who you are right now? Why?
One thing about me, I am always striving to be better. I have so much room for growth but I am also grateful for all the opportunities I have been fortunate to be presented with. Life IS a journey and I am taking it one day at a time.
If you had the opportunity to speak for the masses, what would you say?
I attended Clark Atlanta University and the school motto is what resonated with me for the rest of my life “Find a way or make one.” You can do whatever it is you want to do in life. If you can’t find a way to do it. Then make one. Make your dreams come true.
Please list webpage or blog links:
Website: LovePublicity.com
Blog: LoveandExtraStuff.blogspot.com
Thank you for visiting www.janethangproductions.com. Be on the look out for more sources of inspiration from The Strong, Empowered, & Classy Project each week! We are very thankful for Teia Harris’ participation in sharing her inspirational story with us. To learn more about Teia Harris and her business ventures, be sure to check out the links above. Don’t forget to share this motivational perspective of strength, empowerment, and class with your friends and family! -Always Remember to Stay Inspired! – @MsJaneThang
@MsJaneThang is actually Kristen Hayman, the founder of Jane Thang Productions, LLC. She is a Strong, Empowered & Classy young woman that writes poetry and stories that speak to the heart.